Blog Grading

Most blog assignments will occur as a nightly homework assignment or a classroom assignment. Rarely will your blog work require more than one sitting to complete an assignment. The following is a guideline for grading on these nightly homework or classwork blog assignments. Please read this rubric carefully so that you understand what is expected in terms of grading. In addition, I will show you examples of poor, mediocre and excellent posts and comments.

Grading Rubric for Blog posting and commenting:
0 – did not post or comment as assigned
1 – Poor Performance: comment/post is stated minimally with errors in grammar, spelling and syntax. There is an attempt to address the assignment prompt but it is incomplete or at a level far below the expectation of the class.
2 – Mediocre Performance: comment/post is stated with some errors in grammar and spelling. The assignment prompt is addressed but at a superficial level. The assignment is completed at a below-average level in terms of planning and completion.
3- Satisfactory to Good performance: comment/post is stated and while the assignment prompt is addressed, ideas expressed are only somewhat clear. The content shows a casual writing style with a lack of attention to style and details.
4 – Very Good Performance: comment/post is stated and characterized with a mostly clear writing style. The content demonstrates that the student read the prompt and attempts to address it completely but only partially references the original article.
5 – Excellent Performance: comment/post is well written and characterized by elements of a strong writing style. The comment / post has addressed the assignment prompt fully and expresses his/her ideas clearly showing originality. The original article is fully referenced if applicable.